Skill/Item Changes
IMPORTANT: De-buffs does not overlap.
Explanation: When you get de-buff on yourself for example Anchor, it will make your body rigid in 5 seconds for 5 second. During this time you can not get SAME de-buff again until effect is finished.
IMPORTANT: De-buff time depends on resist.
Explanation: Higher you resists are less time of de-buff you will get.
Revival - Can be casted on any HP.
Quick Haste Potion - Increased cooldown to 2min.
Chant of Protection & Counter Critical - Can work at the same time.
Cancellation - Removes from 1 to 5 buffs.
Steal Divinity - Steals from 1 to 7 buffs.
Insane Crusher - Removed from 1 to 5 buffs.
Resist Shock - Effect reduced by 1/2.
Combat Aura - Does not generate HATE.
Mana Burn - Increased PvP power.
Checkmate - Increased base critical rate by 5%.
Triple Sonic Slash - Increased PvP power by 20%.
Trance - Increased reuse delay by 50%.
Warp - Added cast time 0.3s.
Mana Potion - 1200 MP, reuse delay 15 seconds.
Destruction Enchant Scrolls - If enchantment fails, keep current enchant level, works up to +15.
Last updated