Clan Rewards - Earn Money
We offer big opportunity for clans to become our partners and receive cut from our project.
We will divide 50% of received donation amounts to clan leaders evenly, to become our partner, you must satisfy following requirements:
You must have at least 5 active Party in clan (UNIQUE HWID, IP and so on..).
Clan must participate in every Clan Event such as: Sieges, Mass PvP, Epic fights, GvG and so on..
Clan must not be alliance to other clan but can have empty alliance (Only own clan must be in alliance).
Clans which satisfy following requirements will become our partners and our payment system will automatically divide server cut accordingly.
WARNING: If several active clans will form an alliance, those clans will automatically be removed from partnership program and only Alliance Leader will receive the amount. Free percentage will be divided accordingly.
Clans have an option to register in partnership program before server launch in order to start earning money as soon as project launches, in order to register please follow the link: and write about joining your clan Clan Name: [Name] Leader: [Name] Members: [Count] We are Joining to the server! Some screen or video if you want
WARNING: From the moment of server launch, clan which will not satisfy requirements, will be removed from partnership program and earnings will be split accordingly.
Last updated